Join our community with over 600 Devoted Dog Moms building a brilliant life with the dogs they love!


Start simple daily practices for trusting cooperation and connection with your dog

🐾 The truth is dogs don’t need more obedience. They need connection, trust, and kind guidance -- that's what creates the cooperative life you and your dog deserve.

For JUST $7/Month

Most coaches charge anywhere from $67 to $199 per month for this kind of value. But I am committed to making this a membership that all dog moms can benefit from for just $7/month

Just $7/month – cancel anytime

I know what it feels like when something crucial is missing in my relationship with my dogs, and training just can’t bridge that gap.

So many of my clients and students believed that training would fix everything. But no matter how many commands they mastered or how much effort they put in, it still felt like something wasn’t quite right. This wasn’t the kind of life or relationship that they wanted with their dogs.

They were feeling confused by all the conflicting training advice, frustrated when things didn’t seem to click, and longed for a deeper connection and a relationship that felt trusting and natural and respectful and kind and fun.

The thing is…

🐾 Dogs don’t need to be trained to be obedient. They need to feel secure and connected, and they need kind, clear guidance – without being suppressed, dismissed, controlled or micromanaged – which is what leads to reactivity, anxiety, frenzied behaviors. 

When we shift our focus to creating that kind of foundation for cooperative living, instead of focusing on training, or fixing behaviors –  everything changes. It did for me and my dogs, for my clients and students, and it can for you, too.

✨ Imagine a life where your dog naturally wants to cooperate with you—not because they’re trained to, but because they choose to. A life where confusion and conflict turn into calm, connected moments. A life where you feel like you and your dog are finally on the same page.

☯️  It’s a mutually respectful, honoring way of living in harmony with our dogs as family. You’ll love it as much as your dog does! It’s a win-win!

✨ My partnership lifestyle approach has worked for Ros, and Dee, and Sue, and Ana, and Marianne, and Beth, and Sandra, and thousands of dog moms since 2007, when I first began teaching online (and for 10 years offline before that). 

And I can teach you too!

Here’s how building a life of partnership with your dog works:

Your LOVE for your dog creates your desire for deeper UNDERSTANDING, which opens the door to your new mindset and that  inspires your new choices – which lead to feeling safe, calm and happy for you and your dog

… that creates genuine TRUST and a whole-hearted CONNECTION between you and your dog. And that always results in COOPERATION then, an even deeper LOVE emerges – a love that is true and never conditioned upon obedience or behavior … Now, our dogs can blossom into their true potential!

^^ This, my friend, is how we build a brilliant partnership in real life! (no training for obedience needed!!)

Here are the simple steps:

  1. Be Curious about what your dog’s behavior is communicating, and look under the surface for unmet needs; find out where they feel insecure or confused; discover what their unique traits, quirks and sensitivities are and how to work WITH them, not resist them.
  2. Be Responsible for creating a life routine for better sleep, the right mix and balance of activities, and lifestyle choices  that support your dog holistically …  And for becoming the calm, clear, and kind guide that your dog needs to thrive. (and you too!)
  3. Be Empowering by solidifying a circle of connection with your dog through mutual respect, unwavering reliability, and co-regulation …  and by kind guidance and with natural social learning that normalizes cooperation, dialogue and trust with your dog.


✨ A few simple daily practices are all it takes to start building a cooperative foundation with your dog…

And that’s just what we’ll help you do inside the Brilliant Dog Foundation Builders.

💚 Learn how to meet your dog’s underlying needs, and create balanced routines for sleep, activities, and connection.
💚 Implement the foundational steps that will foster natural cooperation with modeling and kind guidance.
💚 Replace second-guessing training tactics with clarity, confidence and cooperation.

💖 With step-by-step lessons that teach YOU how to be the dog mom your dog needs — not how to train your dog, practical steps, workbooks, live Q+As, and a supportive community of dog moms, you’ll have everything you need to start creating the foundation you and your dog deserve—all for just $7/month.

Green Zone

What if you followed a simple, modern, holistic path to be a calm and confident dog mom with a happy, cooperative dog?

Here’s how it goes when you do that…
There! Doesn’t that feel so much better?


Brilliant Dog Foundation Builders

Here's a sneak-peek of what's inside ...

You'll get instant access to:

BDFB access to graphic

Brilliant Dog Foundation Builders: The Course

BDFB course mockup

Monthly Themes and Challenges for Progress

Educational, fun, and interactive - simple strategies that you can use in your daily life that work!

Live Support with our Expert Partnership Coaches

Kathy and dog laptop
Daily Feedback in our Support Group from our Partnership Coaches.

+Monthly Live Q+A with Kathy!

Worksheets, Guides, Templates and Planners

BDFB deliverables mockup
All the worksheets, journals and planners you need keep momentum and to guide you every step of the way to build your partnership foundation.

How to Stop Hyper Barking Guidebook

Stop Barking pdf mockup
What are the steps to getting on top of unwanted barking?

Guidebook for Sensitive, Anxious or Reactive Dogs

Behavior breakthrough pdf mockup
Stop the trust leaks with your hyper, anxious or reactive dog

Walking As Partners
Your Foundation Steps

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Follow this natural ‘order’ to learning to leash walk in harmony with your dog.

Tackling Backyard Triggers Playbook

Quick wins and long term resolution strategies for yard reactivity spirals

Resolving Indoor Barking Frenzies Playbook

Resolving reactivity to outside triggers with our BE C.O.R.E. practices

Walking Partners Dance Training Wheels Workbook

Your foundation steps for the aids we use as we are learning to walk as partners

Name Game and Dance Invitation Training

NG Dance Invite mockup
Your dog will come running every time you call their name!!

Your BDFB Course Roadmap Checklist

Download course checklist fb group post graphic
Your course checklist to guide you through the course and assignments!

Your Monthly Partnership Planner

BDFB Monthly Planner
This planner will help keep your foundation building momentum going!

Plus Your Bonus Bundle...

monthly theme 3

"Say Goodbye to Overwhelm" Training

I’ll teach you the time-saving  and mindset strategies that I use to run a business, coach my students, take care of a pack of dogs, manage a farm, continue my education, train my herding dogs, and a million other things. 
Don’t let your old ‘too busy’ story keep you from creating a new life that you love!
heart tree

Your Private Members Only Community

Stop struggling alone. Become part of a powerful, supportive community. Learn and grow alongside like-hearted and like-minded dog moms.

There is NO other group that offers this level of positive partnership support. You are not alone!!

Just $7/month – cancel anytime

Brilliant Dog Foundation Builders is for Two Specific Dog Moms...

You’re a dog mom who wants to start right with a trusting, cooperative partnership with your dog
…so that you never have to face the reactive or anxious dog behavior spiral with your dog. 
You’re a dog mom feeling stuck, confused, and struggling in a cycle of treats, toys and training and ready to start over …
… for a cooperative life that begins with building a new partnership foundation.

If you can check ONE of these boxes, you are in the right place!!
You are ready to break free of the training trap for good and build a lasting and sustainable partnership foundation with your dogs.

Just $7/month – cancel anytime

A Personal Invitation from Kathy...​

Whether you’ve been stuck  trying to find the ‘right training tactic’ that will get your dog to listen … or struggling to know exactly HOW to create the dream relationship you want with your dog … this can be the turning point you’ve been waiting for.
So much has changed as we leap forward into mindful dog parenting, and there is nothing but love, connection, and cooperation ahead for dog moms who are prepared to take advantage of these shifts away from transactions and training for obedience and compliance.
I’ve been building partnerships with my dogs for a lifetime. Puppies I’ve raised, adults I’ve rescued, dogs that no one wanted and dogs that were said to be ‘untrainable’ and hopeless.

Each and every dog was a blessing, and ALL of my dogs became amazing companions, world-class partners in dog sports like agility and herding, and the best teachers ever!

25+ years of working professionally with over 5800 dogs and their families in over 27 countries around the world has taught me sooooo much! I’ve put together the exact ingredients that create a trusting, loving, attentive and responsive relationship with a dog … instead of one built on transactions, unable to stand up to ordinary challenges of modern life.

This Brilliant Dog Foundation Builders program shares a culmination of what I’ve learned about what makes a dog difficult, reactive, anxious … and what nurtures trust, love and cooperation instead.

This program helps you to get started right with your dog.

I can’t wait to welcome you inside!
Kathy xo

Kathy with dogs by garden laugh

Kathy Kawalec

Founder, CEO: Dancing Hearts LLC 

Creator, Teacher and Coach:
• Dancing Hearts Dog Academy
• The Brilliant Dog Foundation Builders
• Brilliant Partners Academy
• Herding Partners Academy
• Creative Alchemy Passion Plan
• Dancing Hearts Partnership Certification Program
Podcast Creator and Host:
• Enlightened By Dogs Podcast

Here's What My Members Have to Say About My Programs...

Terris Bella

“I never dreamed this was possible!”

"After adopting Bella who was reactive to EVERYTHING, I never dreamed I would be hiking with BOTH of my dogs, enjoying nature without constantly scanning, and I love having the tools I learned in BPA to keep my little pack safe, calm and happy!"

~Terri and Bella

Kims Summit

“It feeds our souls - not my ego.”

“My dream agility puppy was OCD, over-aroused and uncontrollable on walks and in the agility building. Now, we live in partnership because who I am for my dogs comes from my desire to live with my dogs in a way that feeds our souls - not my ego."

~Kim with Summit

Erins Jess

“Our relationship is 90% joyful, loving and fun.”

"We enjoy our walks and adventures and cuddles. I trust her so she is off lead and exploring so much more which she loves. My relationship with Jess is 90% joyful, loving and fun, rather than 90% worried, stressed, upset and frustrated like before."

~Erin with Jess

Loris Cabo

“I love my boy with all my heart!”

"We had a rocky start and when nothing was working, I regretted getting him. Finally, through Kathy's program, I had a mindset breakthrough that changed everything with my dog.

I don't cry with frustration anymore. I love my boy with all my heart and he now comes running to me with a smile that is something I cherish and makes me cry with joy. "

~Lori with Cabo

Paulines Freya

“Is this the same dog?”

"Is this the same dog that threw herself at the patio door with manic barking that drove me to exhaustion? What I love about my life with Freya now is the feeling of partnership.

I get such a thrill when I go outside to check on her in the garden, and she immediately looks at me, and if I need her to come in, she skips happily along at my side. My heart feels lighter, and I am in awe about how amazing she is."

~Pauline with Freya

Ros and dog

“Beyond anything I ever imagined!”

"I am no longer an anxious ball of nerves on walks. The progress we have made is beyond anything I had ever imagined possible.

We no longer chase wildlife, joggers or cyclists and we can walk where other dogs are and remain relaxed and connected with each other -- on leash and off!"

~Ros with Phoebe, Myrtle and Ekko

Phalen and Dee

“What do I say about a program that changed despair to joy?”

“My dream dog had become a nightmare, my life was in turmoil and my family was miserable. With our partnership foundation, life is liberating, joyful and totally works! Who knew?”

~Dee and Phalen

Bettina and family

“I'm so proud of my 3 fur kids, and forever grateful for Kathy and her program.”

“I thought: I’ve tried everything, training classes, behavior sessions, reactive dog classes, I have nothing to lose. 10 months later, we all enjoying our Brilliant Partners lifestyle and I’m so proud of my 3 fur kids!”

~Bettina, with Murphy, Mary and Bear

Jane with Skye and Hannah crop

“Kicked out of obedience class … to brilliant partners!”

"After being kicked out of obedience class, I found Kathy Kawalec. Instead of focusing on obedience and training, we breathed a sigh of relief and began focusing on appreciating each other and observing and listening to each other. Life since is a daily delight with my girl!”

~Jane and Skye

Anas Flo

“I can’t even express the deep gratitude to Kathy and all of you who helped us.”

“I was struggling with Flo’s reactivity. In the city she would react to sounds, kids, scooters, skateboards. In the country she pulled on leash and off leash would chase wildlife. I was desperate and didn’t know what to do anymore.

It’s weird because Flo is still the same dog and I am still the same person, but we are now so very different at the same time. She rarely barks at anything anymore. She almost never pulls me on the leash.
I also changed. I am more patient. I don’t react anymore. I CALMLY guide her through difficult situations. When I look at her I don’t see trouble anymore. I see pure joy, love and connection. I can’t even express the deep gratitude to Kathy and all of you BPs who helped us on this beautiful journey. Thank you so much from all my heart!”
~Ana with Flo

Behind the Scenes with Brilliant Partners...

Stella talks about her reactive poodle...

Steph has a difficult struggle with her Akbash mix...

Ros was anxious about her two Viszla girls reactivity

Rhiannon turns life around for her rescued feral dog

Ana struggled with her border collie's reactivity

Charlene helped her traumatized dog feel loved

Marika trades transactional training for partnership

Alicia creates harmony with her rescues

Phoenix doogle tr
Phoenix painting fb
“I’m a Magician and Explorer dog! That’s what my mom says about why I got excited so easily AND why I love to do things MY way.
Did you know that dogs have personality types? I’m not sure what that means, but it sure did help my mom learn how to love me for who I am. And that’s when life got a whole lot easier for both of us! yip! yip!
She’s the best! We had a GREAT time working together to map out the BEST way for a dog and their human to live, love, and play together. 
Humans need so much help with this stuff. Good thing she had me to help her. She says that the world of dogs and the humans who love them is changing because of my legacy.
What’s a legacy? Sounds important.
Oops, gotta go, need to go say hi to someone!! See ya later! bye! love you!! hope to see you later!! yiiipp!”

~Kathy’s Phoenix Speaks!

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm a new dog mom, will this work for me?

Yes! This works especially well for new dog moms. The right foundation will create a better bond, a better relationship and better communication for a life of happiness with your new dog!

I'm an experienced dog mom, will this be valuable for me?

Yes, the Brilliant Dog Foundation Builders will provide you with a fresh, modern way to connect with and help your dogs to reach their true potential with you. You'll have the resources you need to build the right foundation with your dog.

Can I wait and join later?

Yes. But why wait? The longer you wait to (re)build the right foundation with your dog, the harder it will become down the road to turn things around.

Is there feedback and support included?

Yes! We are whole-heartedly committed to helping you succeed. You are welcome to post questions, updates, and videos and you have the support of our team and community. Plus there is a monthly live Q+A where a coach will answer your questions that you submit in advance.

What if I can't attend the Q+A calls Live, because of my schedule?

Replays!! Many of our dog moms catch the replays - it's so convenient ... and you get to choose what time is best for you. Plus, you can post your question in advance and your coach will answer during the live call, and you can listen/watch later.

Does this only work for a certain type of dog?

This works for all puppies and dogs of any age, breed/mix. All dogs need connection, trust and clarity with their human!

I'm not tech-savvy. Will I be able to make this work?

Yes. You can easily access everything from your phone, tablet, laptop, or computer. You'll need internet access and your favorite device - that's it!

When will I get access:

You will receive an email with all of the details within minutes of your purchase, and you can login and get started immediately! Just follow the roadmap and you'll be on your way to a brilliant foundation with your dog.

Can I cancel the membership anytime?

Yes, you can cancel anytime. Simply let us know 24hrs before your month renews and we'll happily take care of it for you!

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, we have a 7-Day, 100% money back guarantee. We'll happily refund 100% of your purchase if you cancel within 7 Days.

Just $7/month – cancel anytime

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